EAED One-to-One
For 2022, 30 One-to-One meetings have been planned and will be held every 3rd Wednesday of the month (3 per month) except in July and August, starting January 19th, 2022 @ 21:00 CET.
The meetings will take place via Zoom and during the One-to-One you will have the opportunity to:
- Become acquainted with an Active Member you may not know well
- Ask questions from both a personal and professional perspective
- Present cases or a lecture and ask for feedback and suggestions
The objectives of this meeting are:
- To highlight and experience first-hand the unique and personal atmosphere that distinguishes the EAED Family
- Facilitate relationships between Affiliates and Active Members
- Facilitate the process of becoming an Active Member
- Screen Affiliate’s cases and communication capabilities for possible EAED Webinars to be run by the Affiliate
- Select potential speakers for future Spring Meetings
Make the most of this distinctive opportunity to get to know better and to create a rapport with an Active Member and have the chance to share your knowledge and skills with outstanding professionals.
If you want to present your cases, your protocols or your research during an EAED Affiliate Webinar, you should communicate your desire to the Active Member that you will meet during this initiative.
The One-to-One meeting is mandatory in order to be considered a candidate for presenting at the EAED Affiliate Webinar.